The Rev. Lisa Chisholm-Smith serves part-time as the Anglican chaplain at Queen’s University out of St. James Anglican Church, which is located on the university campus. She also serves as St. James’ children and youth ministry coordinator. Together these two ministry positions form one half time paid position These ministries also give her the opportunity to work with inmates who do community service at St. James Church and she is a volunteer non-security escort with Corrections Canada. In addition, Deacon Lisa is the president of Anglican Deacons Canada, the national association for ordained deacons in the Anglican Church of Canada. She also has a passion for lifelong Christian formation and is interested in helping Christians integrate their faith and their daily work whether paid or volunteer.
The Reverend Canon Sharon Dunlop serves the Parish of St. James, Kingston, with special focus on Corrections, Restorative Justice and Victims Services. Sharon currently serves as chaplain at Bath and Collins Bay Institutions. She is a member of the Justice and Peace Commission and a volunteer with Innocence Canada. Sharon is working with a group of Anglican clergy, assisting the Centre for Christian Studies in Winnipeg, MB in developing educational programs on social justice issues for the Anglican Church of Canada.
The Reverend Fran Langlois is deacon-in-charge of the Anglican Ministry to Seniors in Prince Edward County, which provides regular worship, visitation and pastoral care to residents in four nursing homes and four retirement homes. She is the deacon at the Parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Picton and is also honourary assistant to the three Anglican parishes in Prince Edward County. She leads morning prayer services at St. Philip’s, Milford one Sunday each month. She is the chair of the Diocese of Ontario College of Deacons and previously served on the diocesan Training and Development Committee.
The Reverend John Morrison serves the Parish of St. John’s, Bath. He is responsible for the Outreach Pastoral Team. John has a special focus with providing services and pastoral care to seniors at the Brairgate Retirement residence as their chaplain. He is also chaplain at zone and branch levels of the Royal Canadian Legion. John is a strong advocate for veteran’s benefits. He conducts bereavement support groups locally and in concert with Napanee Hospice.
The Reverend Kate Ann Follwell serves as honourary assistant at St. Thomas’ Belleville. Kate Ann has been involved in: Leadership training with the counsellors at Camp Hyanto; designing and implementing a course for parents and teens called ‘Why do they do what they do?’; Belly to Belly weight loss programs for the diocese; ‘Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks’ Men's cooking school; human trafficking education; ‘Reading the Bible in a year’ Bible book club, and pastoral care and services in seniors residences and full-time care facilities.
The Reverend Don Goodwin serves as honourary assistant at St. George’s Cathedral, Kingston.
The Reverend H Peter Schaub serves as an honourary assistant at Christ Church Cataraqui, Kingston.
The Reverend Tom Dukes.
The Reverend Roger Hammond.
The Reverend Jack Beer.
The Reverend Winnie Forte.