The Stewardship and Congregational Development Committee (SCDC) as the name suggests, brings together two areas of ministry vital to the health and success of our congregations and parishes. It is our responsibility to support parishes and congregations in their efforts to develop innovative, mission driven programs focused on serving the needs their communities; to help them discern what they are being called to do and how best to answer that call.
Aren’t they two different ministries?
You might ask “Aren’t Stewardship and Congregational Development two different ministries?” Well, truth is they are. But we see a direct, symbiotic relationship when it comes to answering God’s questions about why we are here. Simply put, we won’t achieve sustainable, mission driven stewardship without healthy congregations; and we won’t have healthy congregations if we aren’t seen as serving our communities.
We will work with your congregation or parish to:
- Change your understanding of what stewardship and congregational development is.
- Help you with the importance of relationships and engagement in community.
- Identify and develop partnerships—we can’t do it all ourselves.
- Search for Best Practices and Partnerships in development and delivery of programs.
- Implement programs tailored to your objectives.
- Help you with the on-going management process.
- Improve Relationships.
- Diocese<>Parishes.
- Parishes<>Communities.
Engaging in our communities
We’ve believe that we have different way to look at stewardship and how to weave it into the fabric of our lives; we’ve seen how the diocesan vision and strategy is calling on all of us to become more engaged in our communities; and we now know that we are in many places already answering what God is calling us to do.
I hope that you can see that the path we are on is intentional and that our objective is to help you determine what you are being called to do and then to help you achieve it.
Please join us as we step boldly into the world.