For an organization to be recognized as a legal entity, it is necessary for it to have a formal structure and formally written rules by which it carries out its functions. In the case of a traditional corporation, for example, such rules would be the corporation’s Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. In the case of the Synod, the structure of the Synod and the rules outlining how it carries out its functions are found in the Canons. As an incorporated entity, the Synod must comply with the laws of the land (both Canada and the Province of Ontario) and with the rules set out in the Canons.
Canons and Constitution of the Diocese of Ontario
PDF Downloadable Files.
Canons: Complete Document.
Constitution: Complete Document.
Canon 1: Definitions and Motion Procedures at Synod.
Canon 2: Diocesan Synod Council.
Canon 3: Executive Board.
Canon 4: Diocesan Common Ministry and Mission.
Canon 5: Trusts and Property Committee.
Canon 6: Acquisition, Disposition and/or Alteration of Real Property and Other...
Canon 7: Settlement of Differences.
Canon 8: Incumbent.
Canon 9: Clerical Appointments, Exchanges, Retirements and Terminations.
Canon 10: Clerical Stipend and Expense Reimbursement.
Canon 11: Lay Readers.
Canon 12: Parishes.
Canon 13: Vestries.
Canon 14: Churchwardens.
Canon 15: Parish Advisory Council.
Canon 16: Archdeacons.
Canon 17: Deacons.
Canon 18: Regional Deans.
Canon 19: Discipline.
Canon 20: Sexual Misconduct and Code of Conduct.
Canon 21: Special Purpose Funds.
Canon 22: Cemeteries.
Canon 23: Diocesan Administration of Parishes.
Canon 24: Secretary of Synod.
Canon 25: Standing Committees of the Synod.
Canon 26: Audit Committee.
Canon 27: Diocesan Finance Committee.
Canon 28: Investment Committee.
Canon 29: Bishop's Commissary.
Canon 30: Diocesan Cathedral.
Canon 31: Insurance.
Canon 32: Indemnification.
Canon 33: Seal of Synod and Execution of Documents.
Canon 34: Officers.
Canon 35: The Chancellor.
Canon 36: Honorary Secretaries and Diocesan Registrar.
Canon 37: Archives Committee.
Canon 38: Canons and Governance Committee.
Canon 39: Pension and Benefits Plan.
Canon 40: Retention of Legal Counsel.
Canon 41: General Provisions.