How our churches choose to be present in their communities demonstrates a willingness to put faith into action. More than just outreach, community engagement initiatives build relationships between the parish and local people and organizations in a way that benefits both. It can make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate in our communities and serve greater community needs.

The Diocese of Ontario's Community Engagement Coordinator, Russ Grant, assists parishes discern how God is already at work in their communities and how through listening and collaboration they can build strategic partnerships to serve these community needs.

Many parishes in the Diocese of Ontario have already established ministries and programs that engage directly with the communities they serve. These parishes and their experiences can be vital in offering support, advice and best practices to those who now seek to establish a community outreach ministry. Russ can assist your parish through connecting you to others who may already be serving a similar community need.

If your parish would like to explore ways to establish ministries that truly serve your communities greater needs, contact Community Engagement Coordinator Russ Grant at