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A meeting of the Synod Council of the Diocese of Ontario was held on Tuesday, November 26 at St. Mark's Barriefield. In the absence of the bishop, The Very Rev. Doug Michael presided. The Rev. Canon Margaret Johnston-Jones offered the reflections, which was The Cotton Patch version of the Beatitudes (by Clarence Jordon), followed by prayer.

The agenda for the meeting was adopted. Continuing prayers for Bishop William were sought. The minutes of the 22 October 2024 were adopted.

On business arising from the minutes, the issue of fundraising for the Sisters of St John the Divine and their renovated building was raised. Currently slightly over half – a little over $14,000 – has been raised/pledged. Archdeacon Bill Clarke and Sylvia Dopking stated they are still committed to raising the $30,000 pledged. The issue of asbestos abatement is now an additional cost. It was decided to release the funds raised now to the Sisters.

Barb Gilbert reported on the ongoing progress of the Synod Planning Committee for Synod, May 8–10, 2025. David Selzer reported for the committees of Synod – Nominating, Canons, and Resolutions. The Nominating Committee is chaired by Archdeacon Bill Clarke and Sylvia Dopking, and has Al Danford (Madoc), The Rev. Jon Lavelle (South Grenville) and Susan Withers (Napanee) as members. Synod Council received the names. Canons Committee is chaired by the chancellor, and Resolutions led by Robert Stewart and Archdeacon Wayne Varley.

Jan Van Vugt and Susan Everett reported for the Cathedral Development Committee. The committee has done a really good job so far, and still has a lot of work to be done. There is the possibility of partnering with the government for housing needs. The committee has done studies of archeological issues, heritage issues, possibility issues, building conditions, and business assessment. The Committee has kept the congregation informed, is looking at adjacent properties that are available, and is considering opportunities for seniors. They are looking at a tea rooms for seniors (at the back of the Cathedral itself), and renovation of the Great Hall.

The Wardens of Christ Church, Gananoque bought to Synod Council consideration of property use a proposal for consideration of severance. The next door neighbours built a garage that is lacking space for driving around the drive, and are looking at appropriating space to do so, and landscaping. Ideas range from a long-term lease to outright severance. Synod Council discussed options for this project, and requested a drawing of a proposal. In the absence of the incumbent, Synod Council deferred conversation until they see site plans and an estimate of the value of the property (January 2025 Synod Council).

Habitat for Humanity, Marmora – David Selzer brought the issue of the Memorandum of Understanding of the diocese and Habitat for Humanity, Marmora, for discussion. Signed on 1 January 2024, the Habitat chapter now wants to transfer the property from the Diocese of Ontario to Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward-Hastings. Discussion followed including description of the property, timeline for ground-breaking following land transfer, and the project for a two family dwelling. A motion to execute the land transfer was made for the amount of $2, seconded, and passed.

CFO Alex Pierson led the discussion and conversation for the 2025 budget. Alex recommended a Stipend and Salary Grid of a 2.0% increase, a Salary Grid increase of 3%, and a Housing Allowance increase of 4% for 2025. Mileage would increase to $.70 per km for the first 5,000 km, and then $.64 per km afterwards. Sunday supply and hourly working rates would also increase proportionately. Discussion followed, with four motions for increases passing Synod Council. The rates and grid sheet will be published shortly.

David Selzer brought the issue of a contribution to the Anglican Foundation for 2025 and beyond. After discussion, a motion was made to include a standing contribution to the Anglican Foundation of $1,000 yearly, until further adjustment in the future. This motion passed.

Synod Council adjourned until its next meeting, to approve the 2025 budget, on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

The approval of the minutes of the November 26 meeting are pending. For questions about Synod Council, please contact Diocesan Executive Officer David Selzer by email at or by phone at 613-544-4718.