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About 50 million people globally are estimated to be trapped in modern slavery. [1] These boggling statistics are not too far away. Canada as a nation serves as a source, transit and destination country where victims are exploited for sex or forced labour. [2] The exact number of cases of trafficking taking place are not known but the police have revealed that about 67% of the incidents reported were from the Province of Ontario, making it the second highest in Canada between 2012 and 2022.[3].

The church with its role as shepherd is faced with a similar situation as David in 1 Samuel 17. In this case we are against the Goliath of human trafficking or modern slavery. This perilous time invites us to courageously step out in the name of the Lord, knowing well that God has furnished us with everything good to do his will of setting the captives free. Hebrews 13: 21

“make you complete in everything good so that you may do his will, as he works among us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever. Amen. “[4]

  • Some Immediate Practical Ways to Get Involved:
  • Prayer for the victims and to explore more ways to get involved
  • Learn more about human trafficking/modern slavery, the needs of victims and plan a collection
  • Report any suspicious incidences to the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-833-900-1010.
