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Dear Friends,
The Province of Ontario has announced that it has extended the provincewide Stay-at-Home Order that is set to expire on May 19 until at least June 2, 2021.  This includes all of the Public Health and Workplace Safety measures that were also put in place.

The Diocese of Ontario is currently in the “Red Stage” of Loving our Neighbours and will remain so until at least June 2. Our church buildings remain closed and our worship is “online.” Over the upcoming weeks, the province will continue to monitor COVID-19 cases, hospital capacity and vaccination progress as it considers how and when it may begin easing of restrictions. We will continue to work with Public Health, epidemiologists, and the other dioceses to develop our actions and plans. More information will follow as we move forward.

Please pray for all those who have had their health impacted by this terrible virus and for the souls and families of the many who have died. We pray for our health professionals, particularly those on the “front lines” and for all who care for those affected. And we pray for God’s Grace and loving care for all as we move forward as his church in the world through this difficult and challenging time.

As always, I am deeply thankful and appreciative of our lay and clergy leaders for your continuing commitment to the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ over these days. You remain in my daily prayers.

Yours in the faith of Christ,
Bishop Michael Oulton