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St. Paul's is sponsoring an Irish dance Ceili at St. Paul's from 2 to 5 pm. There will be dancing from 2 to 3:30 followed by a delicious tea.  Lively music provided by local musicians, Fiddlers Plus.

If you like to dance, novices are welcome. Eithne Dunbar will guide you in six simple and well known Ceili dances:

The Walls of Limerick

The Siege of Ennis

The Bridge of Athlone

Peeler and the Goat

The Haymakers Jig

Two-Handed Hornpipe.

You can find many examples of these dances on video via Youtube.  Just google the name of the dance as in "The Walls of Limerick dance video". (Scottish country dancers will recognize most of the figures in the Haymakers Jig, which includes the Strip the Willow figure)

Spectators can enjoy the upbeat music.

At 3:30 Dancing will give way to a performance by Fiddlers Plus who will be playing while we enjoy tea and refreshments.