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This is the last week of my placement and I have been blessed by the opportunity that Bishop Cliff created for me to learn from the various anti- trafficking ministries carried out by the parishes I have visited and to also share about my work. Through it all, the bishop noted that push back is expected once we commit to a task such as curbing human trafficking. This reminds me of the Gospel reading for the 14th of July, where John the Baptizer met a major push back after he spoke truth to power in Mark 6:14-29. Our Lord Jesus has told us that to be his disciple also means to expect push back (Luke 9:23-25). As we include support for the victims of human trafficking in our journey of discipleship, we are sure to be carrying the cross and following Jesus.
July 30 will be the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons and the theme for 2024 is 'Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking.' Sadly, 1 in 3 victims of human trafficking globally is a child. Let us keep praying, keep watching and keep doing the actions that the Lord leads us to do through his Holy Spirit. We are making a difference, one child at a time; no matter the push back. 

Feel free to share the stories of what you are doing at your parish to curb human trafficking with the diocese as your stories will encourage others.

- Anne Abok