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You are cordially invited to CLAP your hands and SING along at St. Mark’s Spring Coffee House on SATURDAY, 12 OCTOBER 2024 at 2:00PM.  The parish hall is located at 268 Main Street in Barriefield (East Kingston, K7K 6W4 - off Highway #15 and near CFB Kingston).

In addition to the local musical group “Fiddle Earth” playing and singing a variety of music including some favourites from the Atlantic provinces and Newfoundland!, Anthony Gifford and Dan Kasaboski will be entertaining everyone. Bring along your family and friends!!

Admission: Free-will donation.  All donations go to the church’s Tower Restoration Fund.

For more information please ontact Melody at the church office: (613) 546-3386 or Anne Yaxley at, (613) 548-4282.