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All are invited to attend a Service of Collation for Archdeacons Rev. Canon Blair Peever, Rev. Canon Nancy Beale, Rev. Dr. Bram Pearce and the Ven. David Selzer on Wednesday December 6, 2023, at 7 pm. The service will be held as a part of the twice monthly Evensong at St. George’s Cathedral.

“Collation” is an old word that most people associate with the shuffling of papers to make a booklet. This is also true in a way of the older use of the word in Church. Collation means to “set things in order” and sometimes referred to the light meal that would follow a social occasion in a Church. For the purposes of the Church in the Diocese of Ontario, a Collation is a small portion of a larger service (often Evensong or a Eucharist) in which we “set into proper order” some of the officers of the Church – in this case, canons and archdeacons.

Rev. Canon Blair Peever serves as the incumbent of the Parishes of Lakes & Locks and Sharbot Lake/Central Frontenac, Rev. Canon Nancy Beale is the incumbent of the Parish of St. Andrew’s, Wellington and St. Philip’s, Milford along with her duties as the warden of the Lay Readers Association. Rev. Dr. Bram Pearce is the incumbent of St. Mary Magdalene, Picton and Archdeacon David Selzer, while being collated as an archdeacon in the Diocese of Ontario as a courtesy, will remain an archdeacon of the Diocese of Ottawa.

Please note the service will commence at 7 pm. Clergy are invited to attend and vest in choir dress (cassock, surplice, scarf & hood). All lay readers are invited to attend and robe. Parishioners of our diocese are invited to attend as well.