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The A.C.W. Regional Meetings will be held this October in the following Deaneries. Mark your calendars!

All meetings will be held from 9am - 2:30 pm.

9 am: coffee
10 am: Eucharist with the bishop
12 noon: lunch followed by business meeting.

Hastings/ Quinte: October 8 at Christ Church, Glen Miller. For more information contact Pam Park at (613) 969-8942 or email

Leeds & Grenville: October 3 at St. Lawrence, Brockville. For more information contact Margie Mulvihill at (613) 342-3281 or email

Frontenac: October 10 at Christ Church, Cataraqui. For more information contact Maureen Butler at 613-389-7897 or email

The cost is $18 per person or $14 for clergy. Please RSVP to the regional presidents a week before the meeting. All women are invited to attend.