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Education for Ministry (EFM) is an international Anglican Christian education program. EfM is serious theological education for lay people, using materials that are equivalent to those used in Anglican schools of theology. Students meet in small groups of 6 to 11 students with a trained mentor. EfM requires a significant time commitment, often with 2 or 3 hours of reading each week plus attendance at the weekly seminar.

Education for Ministry (EFM) at Christ Church Cataraqui – Mondays 1:00-3:30 pm starting in September. EfM is theological education for ordinary Christians. The cost for this 36-week course is $350.

The Content

EfM is a four year program, with students committing to just one year at a time.

  • Year One: The Old Testament
  • Year Two: The New Testament
  • Year Three: Church History
  • Year Four: Theology, Ethics, and Interfaith Dialogue

Each year also included use of Common Lessons in a Reading and Reflection Guide, as well as two “Interlude Books”. The interlude books for 2023/2024 are: “Beyond a Binary God: A Theology for Trans Allies” by Tara K. Soughers and “The Cross and the Lynching Tree” by James H. Cone.

EfM graduates find that they:

  • feel confident and competent as Christians, better able to discuss their faith and share the Good News
  • experience ongoing personal and spiritual growth
  • are able to take what they learn and integrate it into their lives

Contact: for more information about the program and how to register by August 7.