HOPE IS HERE: “Spiritual Practices for Pursuing Justice and Beloved Community”
CHRIST CHURCH LENTEN STUDY FOR 2025: Thursdays from 6:00-7:30 from March 6th to April 10th
A simple pasta and salad dinner is provided for a free will donation, followed by a presentation and (optional) discussion. Purchase of the book, by the same title, written by Dr. Luther Smith Jr., is recommended but not necessary. Weekly topics are: 1. “Where Hope Abides and What it Does” 2. “Contemplative Praying” 3. “Prophetic Remembering” 4. “Crossing Identity Boundaries” 5. “Transforming Conflict” 6. “Celebrating Community”. These are based on the transformative vision of theologian and mystic Howard Thurman. Contact priest@christchurchkingston.ca to attend.
Buying the book is optional, but highly recommended.
Thursdays from 6:00-7:30
Pasta & Salad Dinner, Presentation & Discussion
“Where Hope Abides and What it Does” – March 6
“Contemplative Praying” – March 13
“Prophetic Remembering” – March 20
“Crossing Identity Boundaries” – March 27
“Transforming Conflict” – April 3rd
“Celebrating Community” – April 10