Third Party Liability Insurance Coverage
The Diocese of Ontario has been advised by HUB that as of November 1, 2022, they will no longer support the program that has been in place for Third Party groups/individuals who are looking to rent Church facilities.
- Download these 3rd Party Insurance changes PDF charts
For clarity:
- Church activities and programs that are part of the life of the church and that are recognized as being under the approval and authority of the wardens and/or incumbent are covered by the insurance under the diocesan plan, through AON. This includes liability coverage for those on property, as well as property damage.
- Groups or individuals that use the facilities of a church but are not part of the church are not covered by the church’s insurance. This is regardless of if they pay rent or if the church provides the space free of charge. If it is not an activity, program or meeting that is part of the church’s ministry by a group of the church, there is no coverage. Parishioners who make use of church facilities for personal reasons (eg a birthday or anniversary party) are also not covered.
- These “Third Party” users of church facilities must be able to provide their own insurance coverage for liability and property damage. If they do not, the church and it’s “corporation” (i.e. the wardens) are liable.
- Some individuals may have coverage for renting a facility (such as a church) under their Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage. This will vary by policy and insurer.
- Churches are expected to have a record of the “Proof of Insurance” for these Third-Party users of church facilities. The standard proof is an “Insurance Certificate.”
- This is not unique to churches. Any organization renting out facilities to the public have the same requirement. We have a process for our churches who are renting for an event (e.g., a picnic using a municipal park) to obtain an Insurance Certificate to prove to the organization they are renting from that they have sufficient insurance coverage.
This program has been in place for many years, with the diocese facilitating it. This has included setting up the forms and process as well as making financial commitments to the provider. While some churches choose to assist the renter, it is the responsibility of the renter to provide proof of coverage.
As of November 1, 2022, HUB will no longer provide the coverage that has been possible through the program. The forms and information have been removed from this webpage. Third Party users of church facilities are free to obtain insurance from wherever they wish. They must provide Proof of Insurance to the church before using the facilities.
The Diocese of Ontario is working with several providers to provide alternatives for those renting from our churches. We are trying to find a solution that is straight forward, reasonably priced and ongoing.
The Diocese will update as there is progress to report.
Anglican Church of Canada and Diocese of Ontaro Certificate of Insurance Request Form
On occasion, you may be asked by a supporter/ agency/ corporation, to provide proof of liability insurance in order to have access to facilities to conduct activities. The certificate of insurance will provide such proof. Download the form [listed below]: