This section of the website assists parishes in implementing good Human Resources practices, including both for paid staff and for the management of volunteers. The following resources are in place to assist parish ministry and administration.
Group Benefits Package - Manulife Canada
- Employee Benefits package - Diocese of Ontario [Manulife Canada]
- Download the Extended Health Care Claim and Dental Claim forms at
Employee Assistance Program
Short term disability
- Short term disability - Diocese of Ontario
General Synod Pension Plan
Information on The General Synod Pension Plan (including the Member Guide), the Continuing Education Plan, Long Term disability and all related forms can be found on the National Pension Office Website:
Questions on the details and benefits of the Pension Plan and Continuing Education (ConED) Plan are best answered by the Pension Office:
Tel: (416) 960-2484
Toll free: 1-800-265-1070
Fax: (416) 968-7689