Bishop's Visitation Guidelines

The Bishop's visitation is an important event in the life of both the congregation and the diocese. The norm for every visit is for the Bishop to celebrate the Eucharist, preach, and preside at confirmation.

The Bishop also encourages baptisms at Episcopal visits. When no baptisms, confirmations, receptions, or reaffirmations are scheduled, the Episcopal visit continues to include the Eucharist and sermon and may include the reaffirmation of baptismal promises by the congregation.

Please complete the following Bishop’s Visitation form located at the bottom of this page and return it to Wendy Pierson by email, or by mail, Anglican Diocese of Ontario, PO Box 490 Kingston Main, Kingston, ON, K7L 4W5 or by fax, 613-547-3745.

Checklist for bishop’s visit one month before visit:

  • Submit Bishop’s Visit Information Form. Complete as much information as available and highlight any items to be confirmed or revisited.

Two weeks before visit:

  • Submit Confirmation form if applicable in order for staff to prepare confirmation certificate(s).
  • Submit draft bulletin or order of service by email to the Bishop and Wendy.

During the Visit:

  • Assign someone to greet the Bishop and direct him to a designated parking spot. Assigned greeter should also provide the Bishop with a final copy of the bulletin and directions to the Vestry/Sacristy, washrooms, etc. If possible, have a separate space for the Bishop to vest and prepare, with access to drinking water and a washroom.
  • Advise the Bishop of any changes to the liturgy or other activities.
  • Assign someone to brief the Bishop on microphones or other technology being during his visit.
  • Have the Vestry Book and other Registers available.
  • If possible, assign someone to serve as the Bishop’s assistant during the liturgy. Provide someone to assist with the setting of the altar if the Bishop is presiding.
  • Provide a glass of water near the altar or pulpit.
  • Encourage congregation members to enjoy the company of the Bishop during his visit, and not engage him in business that should be done in other forums.